What's in a name?
Welcome to the website of Sanaer Jewellery Creations. We are a London based jewellers who
both design and make bespoke Kushla rings, pendants, bangles and cuff-links, in silver, gold
and platinum. At the heart of all Kushla pieces, is the name of your loved ones, and it is the
names of your loved ones that, in essence, becomes the actual design of the piece.
Kushla rings are unique, distinctive and original and no two pieces can be cut the same, so each
piece becomes a one-off original. No other jeweller is making such a personal item of jewellery.
Kushla rings come in all shapes and sizes, hopefully there will be one to suit you. Dramatic and
eye-catching and made with you in mind.
The font in which all Kushla rings are cut is my very own font, cutting edge and
extrovert, yet it can also be tamed to be more laid-back with an overall softer edge.
Each ring can be tailored to the wearer's preference. Sizes and thicknesses of rings can
also be tailored.
Jewellery, along with letters and photographs, are very sentimental to families, as the decades
pass. So to have a piece of jewellery, which has the names of partners or children on, will prove to
be a genuine piece of family history. Handed down through the generations........Keepsakes
Your loved ones wrapped around your finger, an unbroken circle, in which the names follow
each other around continuously. All Kushla rings are unisex and for all occasions.